A brief history
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The Most Played Hip-Hop Song Ever


   Performance Test for Cubase Systems


A brief history of "Cubase Performance Test"

October 2002
Since there've always been so much confusion surrounding the real performance of different systems running Cubase, I realized a little standard Cubase SX project that everybody can download and play on their systems.
This was Test v1.0, the same Timo Sack used in his website a few days later.

December 2002
I improved the Test in a more meaningful one, v2.0.
At the same time I published my website for collecting results from Cubase users.

November 2003
Steinberg published in Service.steinberg.net a "Performance Test": this test is just a brutal copy of my Test v1.0.
Steinberg corrects their page with a credit to FiveTowers.

December 2003
I realized new Test v3.0, more meaningful e very well-done.

October 2005
Steinberg published a document about advanced multi-core processor support with Cubase SX and Nuendo 3:
they use FiveTowers Test.

October 2006
Cubase 4 introduce many new features, like new VST3 architecture.
I realized new Test v4.0, the only one Cubase 4 compliant.

Go to (actual) Test v5.0 page

View old results page: Test with Cubase SX 1
View old results page: Test with Cubase SX 2
View old results page: Test with Cubase SX 3